Thursday, March 27, 2008

Be Deep: Six Dimensions Deep

Yesterday, I had a Youtube science lesson. I learned about dimensions and how they overlap and fold on each other. Check out the video if you want, but I'm going to give you a short synopsis. Stick with me and it'll make sense at the end.

0th Dimension: A single point.
1st Dimension: A single line with no width or depth.
2nd Dimension: A plane with width and height, but no depth.
3rd dimension: An object with width depth and height.
4th dimension: Time. All versions of the previous dimensions past, present, and future. So if the object is you, then it's you as a baby, you as you are now, and you as an old man, or you...past this life.
5th dimension: Here's where it gets a little tricky. This is any possible version of that object starting from this point on. For example, If you were faced with two different paths, the 5th dimension would be the projection of those fates.
6th Dimension: Even Trickier: Any possible fate past present or future. This one bends the 5th dimension back on itself.

OK Stop. That's all we need. Imagine yourself able to stand back and visually observe your 6th dimension. What would you see? I imagine you would see some really spectacular things. You might see yourself as:

  • The President of the United States
  • A Rock Star
  • A Parent
  • A Friend
  • Elvis Impersonator
The list could go on and on. But each of those would be possible. Think about your six dimensional self and find the version you like best, then, in the fifth dimension, aim for it. You may not hit it, but you'll look back through the fourth dimension and feel good about trying.

Don't ever feel defeated. Don't think that becoming great isn't possible. It is. It most definitely is. You have more depth than you realize. Infinite depth.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Wanted to say hi chris..Its great that you're learning new info. Just wanted to let you know I added you on my friend list.